It’s been awhile…

Hello there! It’s been a long time since I’ve shared here, hasn’t it?

Just how long? I just looked and the last time I blogged was the first week of school last year! Yikes! In all fairness, life got a little crazy last year with balancing teaching with a baby and it got even crazier when another baby was added to our family last spring!  Never a dull moment around here. Never.

I hope you’ll bear with me as I get back into a groove with blogging. One of my goals going forward is to highlight all the cool things happening in room 213 and connect with others. I have a lot of ideas on how to do this and am looking forward to getting this blog back in business!

See you soon!


My One Little Word for 2015 – CREATE #olw15

Sale (1)


This week my students will be completing a project where they create their own Bucket Lists and choose one item to analyze further as if they were going to complete it. It will require quite a bit of research and documenting sources. They will then present their projects to the class at the end of the week. I love projects like this because they are personal and we all learn so much about each other while students gain valuable skills in the process.

My Bucket List includes, among other things, visiting several faraway destinations, meeting a couple of NFC quarterbacks, relearning Spanish, moving to the Pacific Northwest, and being a mom someday. When thinking about my One Little Word for 2015, I really didn’t have to think too long and hard about it. I am a very creative person and feel as if I haven’t been tapping into that part of my brain for a very long time. I am definitely not a painter or a person that can even really draw, but I do love art, and even more, the process of making something.  Activities such as craft projects, interior decorating, writing, card making, and even cooking, which I feel can be a very creative outlet, are missing from my life. This year I am going to make time in my life for me and for time to CREATE.

I have so many ideas and I really want to open my own Etsy store this year. Here’s to my One Little Word, CREATE, and all the possibilities for 2015!